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The University of Utah defines sustainability as the integrated pursuit of social equity, environmental integrity, and economic security for current and future generations. It created the Sustainability Office in fall 2007 to move campus toward this holistic view of sustainability.

MISSION: Integrate sustainability as a core principle throughout operations, research, and education at the University of Utah and to support initiatives that cultivate the campus as a living laboratory.

VISION: Create a culture of responsibility by integrating the values of sustainability in all facets of the University of Utah and to serve as a model for what is possible.


The University of Utah Sustainability Office is committed to promoting social equity and justice as part of a sustainable future for all. We recognize that social equity and justice are as integral to sustainability as ecological and economic concerns. We will: center equity as a primary element of our work; act against systemic discrimination that harms people and undermines community sustainability; listen and learn from Indigenous knowledges; and create inclusive and anti-racist spaces for education, research and programming.

Core Values

    • Collecting data and best practices to track progress and implement change;
    • Connecting campus sustainability practices, programs, and people;
    • Creating a living, learning laboratory on campus;
    • Catalyzing and leading the campus community toward action;
    • Communicating campus sustainability initiatives and successes.


Based on a SOAR analysis summit conducted in January 2019, the Sustainability Office has set the following 5 aspirations:

    • That our campus (design, facilities, operations) is a leading-edge sustainable campus that inspires others to treat their campuses as living labs.
    • That both wellness and social/environmental justice are deeply embedded in all sustainability efforts.
    • That all students are global citizens of sustainability.
    • That the organizational resources allocated to sustainability efforts reflect the core value position and urgency of the issue to university leadership.
    • That the university is viewed as a national leader in sustainability research and education.